Tuesday 17 September 2024

NYCMidnight Microfiction 250 - 2023 Round 2

 This was my entry into round 2, having progressed this far via the "Local Knowledge" story. The prompt for this was much harder, and even spending a lot more time on it, I couldn't get this to a state I was happy with. It did not go down anywhere near as well, and I didn't progress to round 3.

NYCMidnight Microfiction (250 Words) January 2023

This was my first ever NYC Midnight fiction entry. 250 words is a lot less than you think once you start writing, as a result of which I'm really impressed with the people who do well at the Microfiction 100 word variant. This one did pretty well - I came third in my group, and progressed to round 2, where I pretty much bombed with my "Indiana Jones-esque" tale of archeology, theft and murder. I'll add that if I can find it.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Flash Fiction Challenge 2023 Round 1 Part 1 Entry

 Written for the NYCMidnight Flash Fiction (1000 word limit) challenge. Prompts for this were:

Genre: Crime Caper
Location: A pub car park
Item: Hairspray

Flash Fiction Challenge 2023, Round 1 Part 2 Entry.

Written for the NYCMidnight Flash Fiction challenge 2023. My writing prompts for this round were:

Genre: Horror
Location: A man-made lake
Object: A windchime.

There was a word limit of 1000 words. I used every one, but I've tweaked a few since. This one didn't do so well, though I got some good feedback.

Monday 17 July 2023

Words Down 17-Jul-2023 - Ocean Vuong "On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous"


1. Memory is a choice

The things we remember

Are those that choose to be remembered.


I did not say it was YOUR choice.

Life chooses your memories for you.

You can exert mental pressure to change the choice

It rarely works

But it is noble to try.

2. The porch lights turn on

Triggered as usual

By an unknown car

driving past to an unknown destination

containing unknown people.

After a moment

They realise that they do not care about those people

And the darkness returns.

3. I wake to the sound of an animal in distress

I turn on the light and can spot no animal

I walk out of the room onto the landing

And no creature greets my eyes

I head downstairs, flicking switches as I go

Each fresh room I illuminate reveals no living things

Except for me. I realise.

I am the animal in distress.

4. The woman walks forward

That is, after all, much easier than walking backwards.

The child with her chooses not to have an easy life

And instead skips sideways, clutching her umbrella in one tiny fist

And the strap of her teddy-bear rucksack in the other

Her bright yellow raincoat a contrast against the greys of the city street

5. When the door opens 

a breeze rushes through and an open window at the back of the house slams closed with a bang. I'm distracted and it makes me jump.

I was not ready for the noise.

Jack is very apologetic but I should have closed that window as soon as the sun went down, so I smile, treating it as a timely reminder.

I lock the window as Jack closes the door. 

"Listen" he says, that eager look on his face that he always gets when he has what he thinks is an amazing plan. 

"I have an amazing plan." 


Write a letter, in character, possibly starting with "There is so much I want to tell you" or similar, to someone your character is close to / has a level of intimacy with.


I have so much I want to tell you. Since I was with you, things have changed a lot. I've not seen most of my friends or family for a long time, I'm not sure how long, but it's getting so that their faces are starting to swim like the koi carp in the pond in my new home, never quite clear, and getting more distorted when I reach out and try to touch them. Yours, so far, remains sharp and clear, partly on its own, partly through the imposition of my will on my own memory It's colder here then it was where you are. Of course I'm only assuming you're still there, and if not, that someone arranges for this to reach you. It's not easy to find someone when you leave first and then you don't know if they have also gone.

Very unfinished. Idea is that it's from a dog that's been rescued from somewhere overseas to one of his friends in the kennels.

Monday 26 June 2023

Words Down 23-Jun-2023 - Amy Acre Week

 1. Notice the sensations on your scalp. 

The familiar tingle moving around betwixt the hairs.

Allow yourself to fully relax as the enormous grey spider decides where to nestle.

Move your head slightly to keep her exploring.

Soon she will lay down her egg sac and shortly you will have so many more sensations.

You are so lucky. 

Move your consciousness to your arms. Be aware of the straps restraining them.

Similar to the ones on your ankles. So soft and padded and comfortable.

They are there to protect the spider from any accidental movements.

But also to help you to enjoy the stillness, 

and to allow you to savour a full month of peace and quiet and relaxation.

2. Notice your jaw. Why are you holding tension in your jaw?

"Well, mainly, it's because I'm pissed off." she retorted. "I've never been asked for something so stupid before in all my life, but you're in charge, you should know what you're doing, I have to try to make it happen, but it's really bloody stupid."

David looked affronted.

"And what's that you're doing with your hands?"

She grinned. "Funny you should ask, as you're about to find out."

3. Notice the fabric of your clothes against your skin. What does that feel like? 

How about now, as I pour warm sweetened milk on your shoulders, and release a bag of raccoons into your pants? 

4. You are running because 

I am chasing you.
Why am I chasing you? You already know. It cannot be explained in mere words, but you are aware.

What did you do to me? Nothing. As you know, you've never even seen me. The reason for this pursuit is nothing so trivial as worldly offence or misfortune. It simply IS. There is no further need to justify it.

What will happen when I catch you?

You already know that too. Let's not talk about that right now.

5. When I elbow you in the neck

You'll tell me I'm a snek

When I punch you in the throat

You'll think that I'm a stoat

If I bite you in the thigh

You'll consider me a fly

But when I sieze your foot

I'm probably just a mutt

Long Write based on Eazysleep Podcast Volume 2 by Amy Acre

Write a podcast/meditation.

Could be about sleeping


to alleviate stress, 

to relax, 

to commune with your higher self, 

to stop smoking, 

couch to 5k, 

mindful eating, 

to believe in yourself, 

deep kindness

or whatever


You are in your garden. 

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, allow yourself to smell the clean air.

Feel the sensation of the wooden bench on your back and legs.

Settle into the seat, resting your arms on the table.

Enjoy the clean, fresh air, breathe deeply of it.

Take a sip of your water. Savour the pleasant freshness.

You do not want a cigar, or a glass of whisky. Or a bag of chocolate.

Your day has been bad, but you do not need those things to relax.

There were moments when you wanted to karate chop people in their windpipes,

But you are working remotely, so you couldn't get to them.

And now you're in your garden. The working day is over,

You have survived another day. 

You can relax completely.

Listen to that noise. It's your work phone

bleating impotently about yet another failure caused by the incompetence 

of the people you said we shouldn't hire in the first place.

It can wait. You have time. Breathe deeply. The air tastes of nothing.

The water tastes of nothing. You cannot taste the warmth of the 

excellent bottle of scotch you have in the kitchen, 

as it tempers the bitterness of the remnants of the smoke from that Cuban

that you've been saving for a special occasion. Or a shitty evening.

You do not need the smooth chocolate no matter how much of a perfect 

counterpoint it would be to the savoury earthiness of the cigar 

or the fire of the spirit.

The noise grows more impatient. You are not impatient. You just know 

that you're not paid enough to care this time. Consider Bob. He's meant

to be on-call tonight. Why are they contacting you?

Consider it a compliment, you can fix things he cannot.

Or maybe he's just better at ignoring it than you are.

He's better at most things than you, is what your mind tells you.

It's objectively not true, but you do like to torture yourself with such things.

Maybe you'll be fired. Maybe you should attack someone in the office.

Pick up the cigar. Sniff it. You do not need to smoke it.

You are in control of your own destiny. You can reject it and enjoy the clean air.

Feel the weight of the exquisitely engineered cutter in your other hand.

The satisfying snick of the razor sharp blades cleanly removing the cap end.

The reassuring click and fizz of the jet lighter and the first few wafts

of leaves grown on an island thousands of miles away

being burned in a garden in Wigan.

Open your eyes and go get the whisky and the chocolate. 

You deserve it. 

They're all twats.

Specially Bob.

Monday 12 June 2023

Words Down 12th June 2023 - Grace Paley Short Story week

All prompts based on the short story "Wants" by Grace Paley. An unusual week given that it focused on prose rather than poetry. The  speed writes were based on gathering ideas rather than on producing anything creative per-se.

Speed writes

1. Bad advice my dad/mum gave me about aging

My parents were convinced that the right thing to do was getting on the housing ladder ASAP.
In early 2007 they were pushing me to buy saying that the price was only going one way.
I held off, not believing that the growth was sustainable, then the credit crunch happened.
I bought my house in 2010. It's the only time I've made a genuinely good financial decision.

2. 5 things you want

Me and my wife to live forever
An ADHD diagnosis / medication or just for it to go away
A chinese takeaway
To get some points in the writing competition I did over the weekend
To be paid a good wage to do something I'm passionate about.

3. Wrong reasons only – why did the relationship end

The cat didn't like them
They had opinions which were TRASH
They were part of the royal family and they got ordered to get rid of me before I spoiled everything
They hated my knees
They broke my camera

4. Awkward places to encounter an ex

At their wedding
At your wedding 
At the GUM clinic
In a police station (where one of you is the police and one is very much not)
In your wardrobe

Main Writing Exercise

20 mins to write a short story / scene about someone bumping into their ex somewhere awkward and having a conversation
"Well! Of all the gin joints in all the world!"

The voice came from behind me. I was standing by the desk. Well, I was standing behind the line in front of the desk, while the heavy set woman with the stern face listed my possessions on a form and dropped them into a bag. One wallet, brown. One bunch of keys on a carabiner. One small folding knife, one cigar in a tube, one lighter. I turned my head to look towards the words and there she stood with a smirk on her face, her uniform as ruffled as it always had been after a long day at the station, the handcuffs glinting on her belt in the sickly green artificial light.

"Hello Joanna", I said. "It's been a while."

"It has hasn't it. I did not expect to come across you in here. Well, I suppose I did given all the stuff you were into back in the day, but given how much time has passed I figured maybe you'd given up all that stuff. Is that what they've got you in for? Possession?" 

She walked around behind the desk and squinted at the monitor screen.

"Ooh drink driving. That's classy."

I looked down then met her gaze. "I only had two. I'm sure the blood test will clear me. I'll be out of here before you know it."

"Well good luck. We don't enjoy having guests in here. To me, an empty nick is a happy nick. I assume you're not a happy Nick right now though."

I managed a wan smile. "You would be right on that."

The desk sergeant finished checking me in and Joanna said something to her that I couldn't hear but she nodded and told her that "five is free". Joanna came round to my side and put a hand on my arm. "OK let me show you to your suite" she said, still smirking. I'd always hated that smirk, almost as much as she hated my knees. They used to gross her out and I never quite understood why. They were just normal knees. I suddenly wished I was wearing shorts so I could watch her shudder as I did that twisting thing with my legs that she used to dislike so much.

"How have you been anyway? How's the cat? Is she still a dickhead?" she asked.

"Yeah she told me to pass on a message, what was it now..." I gave her the finger. "Obviously she did it a little differently."

She laughed. "Yeah that little shit always hated me. That's probably why we didn't work out."

I shook my head. "No, we didn't work out because my beliefs didn't align with your hatred of everything and everyone. That and the knees thing. Plus I'm secretly heir to the throne and got ordered to get rid of you."

"Excuse me! I dumped YOU!" she retorted.

"Indeed, but I engineered it."

"Anyway someone will be here shortly to take you for your test. I hope you find the pillow selection to your satisfaction, and please help yourself to the minibar." She stepped out of the cell and closed the door.