Tuesday 10 September 2024

Flash Fiction Challenge 2023 Round 1 Part 1 Entry

 Written for the NYCMidnight Flash Fiction (1000 word limit) challenge. Prompts for this were:

Genre: Crime Caper
Location: A pub car park
Item: Hairspray

Something Extra

An opportunist thief gets more than they bargained for when they steal an unattended car in the early hours of the morning

Lucy’s gloved thumb pushed a button on the steering wheel and the already loud music became even more deafening. “Hell of a sound system on this thing.” She glanced in the rear view mirror. This car was awesome. It would be a shame to hand it over but at least she got to have some fun in it first. She turned the music down and punched a speed dial on her phone. After a couple of rings, Steve answered.

“Goosey! You’re up early!”

“I’m up late. I’ve got something for you. You free?”

“Yep. How long?”

She glanced at the car’s screen. “Hour or so.”

“OK.” He hung up

Lucy had been on her way home from work at 6am when she spotted the BMW at the side of a road, keys in the ignition, nobody in sight. After a split second she’d jumped in and stamped on the gas. There was a good chance this thing had a tracker but Steve knew how to disable them. It was, after all, his business. She hadn’t nicked a car in months but the late nights on the bar weren’t paying the bills, and she hated drunk people. This would cover her while she tried to find something with daytime hours. Staying off the motorway she accelerated along the empty lanes.

It was 7:15 when Lucy arrived at the lay-by. They’d used this spot before because there were no CCTV cameras within miles. Steve was there in his dirty white Sprinter van. Lucy popped the bonnet and hopped out of the car. Steve leaned in with a torch and emerged a minute later. “No tracker. That’s a surprise on one of these. Let’s move on.” 

“Can’t we just do it here?”

“No. I need breakfast and a toilet. Phones off. Use this if you need me.” He tossed her a radio, climbed back into his van and drove off up the road. Lucy shook her head and followed him.

*          *          *

They parked at opposite ends of the pub carpark, putting the X6 at the far end where it was less visible, though the roads were still empty. Steve approached, wearing black latex gloves.

“Right, let’s have a look.”

He opened the passenger door, checked under all the seats, then opened the glovebox. 

“Just the usual shit. Pop the boot will you?”

Lucy pressed the button and the boot lid slowly opened, obscuring her mirror view for a moment then revealing Steve looking white.

“Fuck. Fuck fuck. Get out here.”

She got out and walked to the back, where she made eye contact with a woman in a black cocktail dress with one high heel, her other foot bare. She was bound hands and feet. Her hair and makeup looked dishevelled but expensive and she had a few bruises, but rather than terror her eyes showed fury. Beside her was a bottle of water and a black handbag, open, with its contents scattered. A small can of hairspray, cosmetic odds and ends, and a driving licence. After staring in disbelief for a few seconds, Lucy picked up the licence.

“What the fuck … who would do this?” she asked.“

“We need to talk.” Said Steve, pushing the button to close the boot. The woman writhed and tried to yell but the closing door stifled her noise.

*          *          *

Steve came back from the toilet and sat down opposite Lucy. The pub had recently started opening for breakfasts so they’d both ordered food and coffee. Lucy looked up. 

“What now?”

Steve shook his head. “You tell me. This was your job.”

“Great, helpful. OK so whoever put her there was clearly going to top her. Maybe she’ll be grateful. Maybe I’m a hero.”

“Did she look grateful to you?”

“Fair point. We could just leave her in a lay-by somewhere?” Lucy offered.

You could, but she’s seen our faces.

“OK. Well I mean … you have a shotgun… Have you ever…”

“NO! We’re not going down that path. We need to think of something else.”

Lucy pondered for a moment and looked at the licence.

“Amy Pearson. I’m going to talk to her.”

Lucy moved the X6’s rear against a hedge, then opened the boot. Amy regarded her coldly.

“Amy. I’m going to remove your gag, so we can talk. Don’t scream, I’m not going to hurt you. You understand?”

Amy nodded.

Lucy reached to remove the gag. As soon as it was untied, Amy bit hard on her fingers. Lucy yowled and grabbed the can of hairspray, spraying it in Amy’s eyes. Amy let go, her head thrashing around. “Fuck that stings!”

“Shouldn’t have bit me should you. I was trying to help. Here, hold still.” She opened the bottle of water and poured it over Amy’s eyes.”

“Where are you taking me? My husband can’t even do his own dirty work! Pathetic!”

“I didn’t plan on taking you anywhere. I just took the car. I’ve no idea who your husband is.”

Amy looked incredulous then laughed bitterly. “Well you’d better hope he never finds out who you are. Still, you’ve probably saved my life. Let me take the car. It’s mine anyway. I’ll give you the money from my bag and I’ll disappear, you’ll never see me again, I never saw you.”

Lucy thought about it then nodded. “I honestly have no better plan right now so I guess…”

Untying Amy’s bonds, she helped her out. Amy rooted in her bag and handed her a couple of hundred pounds in tens and twenties, hugged her, then got in the driver’s seat, and drove away.

Back in the pub, Steve was watching the news on a TV screen. Lucy sat down.

“I let her go. Her and the car.”

“Good. Too hot for me.” He gestured at a photo on screen as the announcer continued.

“The unnamed celebrity managed to trap the prolific confidence trickster in the boot of his BMW X6, and went to call police. When he came back outside, the car was gone.”

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