Tuesday 27 September 2022

Words Down Writing Prompts - 26th September 2022

 A Recipe for a Poem

1. Repeat a word three times
2. Use a simile that pulls something from the sky
3. Ask a question
4. Put an animal in a uniform
5. Repeat a word four times
6. Include your greatest fear
7. Take it somewhere illogical
8. Give it a four word title
9. Delete a line

Leads to:

The Departure of Dairy

Cheese Cheese Cheese
Yellow dairy plastic glowing like the sun in spring.
What is it about your wondrous texture
that so bewitches me?
While the cows stand in the field,
in their military camouflage fatigues,
yet still clearly visible as black and white are rare
in the meadow at least.
What if cheese were to be banned, 
or cows were to go extinct? 
Or just leave?
I ponder the horror of never again tasting Jarlsberg.
Of their jetpacks screaming 
as the bovine master race leave the world they shaped,
destined for the next.
I wish I could go there.

15 Minute Prompt : A poem loosely based on Dear Life by Maya C Popa

A poem in the form of a letter to something or someone, but where it's not immediately made obvious that it is, in fact, a letter.

Community Spirit

A constant battle
not between good and evil
or right and wrong,
but between good people on this side
and good people on the other side
(and a smattering of assholes on both sides).
Ideas are fermented and fomented,
then cemented, presented and resented
by one or other
or sometimes both.
Agreement cannot happen
between these factions.
Positions are too set,
Ideas too deeply rooted
until an old woman, whom none of us have met,
dies, not unexpectedly, in her palace
and all are united in performative grief.
Dear Society,
Why are you so divided on what matters
yet in such unity around that which cannot and does not affect you
while those with the power; the TRUE power
use it all as a distraction
to make us eat the dirt
and pay for the privilege.

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