Monday 12 December 2022

Words Down Writing Prompts - 12th Dec 2022

All prompts from The Wife of Willesden by Zadie Smith

Speed Writing Prompts

1. And a lot of what you said made me feel a bit

And a lot of what you said made me feel a bit melancholy, to be honest. I mean, I know you're happy with all the things you've done and all you've achieved, and I'm happy for you, I really am, but I just can't help but compare all your success with all of my, by comparison, abject failure and it just ... made me feel a bit shit if I'm completely frank. I mean, go you, but also fuck you and your perfect life.

2. You want to think you’re a saint

You know, doing a nice thing for someone does not immediately make you a good person. It doesn't make up for all the stuff you've done before that ruined lives and took away people's happiness. You've found a new purpose in your life now and maybe you've learned something but you want to think you’re a saint and you've got a long way to go before people will think of you as anything but a bastard.

3. Man owes a debt to his wife

(A dodgy sequence of dodgy haikus)

Wife gives up her job
Focuses on home making
Changes all her dreams

House is kept lovely
Man owes a debt to his wife.
Works hard, always out

Wife then gets lonely
Wife finds better things to do
Man finds self alone.

4. You’ll pay in cash; it’s the wages of sin

We have a few special offers this week, and there's a menu on that wall over there. If you take up any of the special offers of course, you'll pay in cash; it's the wages of sin, quite literally. We can't be putting these things through the books now can we? HMRC think we're a proper legit therapy studio. 

5. But then she come to

(more dodgy haikus. I struggled with some of these prompts)

But then she come to
The world all as she left it
All so familiar

Looks around the room
Decides she will slumber more
Here worse than nowhere

Unconscious again
Dreams can be terrifying
So can reality

these places take turns
At first being the escape
and then the nightmare

Fifteen Minute Prompt

Tell the story of a relationship with multiple voices telling the story, like a multi person monologue, based on a section of "The Wife of Willesden" where Zaire and Alvita are discussing Alvita's relationship with Ryan and how it went bad. 

I tackled this by imagining it was me and my partner talking to someone else about a big issue seller that I know.

So we saw her again, she was there in the square
with her big issue bag looking hopeful...

                                     ... but yeah
By the time we walked past with some cash for her though
She was gone.

             Her train might have been late in the snow.
When I first talked to her she looked cold as the night
So I bought her a scarf. It was fluffy and white 
And now when I see her she always says hi

She's probably hoping you're going to buy
A big issue.

             I doubt it. A very long time has gone past
Since I bought one of those. I just usually give cash
Or sometimes a sandwich but she likes to chat.
Her husband's a wrong-un, and his dad's a twat.
Though she'd never say so. I found out this all
from the girls on - you remember that old sandwich stall?

Yes that's gone now too, which is a proper shame.
They did lovely butties.

                         Cheap too, so that came
To be where I would get the sandwiches we had.
It was those girls who told me the creep was her dad.

Her dad's got another pitch just across town.
Did he once ask for money?

                           Yeah I turned him down
Cos he asked me for two hundred quid for their rent
I was dropping off kids stuff cos she was pregnant.
It was cheeky at best.

                       That's a generous word
He's a creepy old git and a bit of a turd.
But she always seems lovely.

                             She is, you'd be right
But her horrendous life makes her deal with such shite
She gets pregnant each year despite taking the pill
So she's always with child or if not she's just ill

But she's been there forever, she's a fixture of town.
She's outlasted businesses, loads have closed down.
If the market is open she comes on the train
To stand there and sell in the sun and the rain

She just calls me "man", she's forgotten my name
But I've known her for years now, she's always the same.
So if you see her, just by the greengrocer, looking
around just remember she has basically nothing.
Buying her mags could be the difference between
Her kids going hungry or being warm and clean.

Monday 5 December 2022

Words Down Writing Prompts - 5th Dec 2022

Speed Writing Prompts

1. When they took her away
She was still protesting her innocence when they took her away. She was bundled into the van by two men each of which was twice her diminutive size and weight. They threw her to the front part of the cargo space and slammed the doors, abruptly cutting off her cries and her indignation. The two men put away their batons, got in the cab, and all that was left was the smell of exhaust smoke as it sped away towards the rectification centre.

2. You dream a hundred choices. Each one of them, you know, is no more successful or more likely than the last but you dream them anyway because your comatose body cannot achieve anything at the moment so all you have is the dream. Ultimately you can choose any of them, but it will make no difference as nobody will know. Maybe not even you. You vaguely hear the sound of a voice. They have come back. You're not completely sure who "they" are.

3. Dialogues you keep like train tickets pass through your mind. You have no use for them any more. If anything they clutter up the space and allow for detritus to hide behind them. The dust and fluff of unwanted thoughts hide between layers of dog-eared conversation, long gone and no longer changeable no matter how much you may wish to. They stretch the bounds of your mental wallet, reducing its stability for storage of more important things. Facts. Considerings. Logic.

Prompt 3 was from "Not everything is true" by Salena Godden

4. It's just you feeling feelings again. That is, after all, what you do best. You can always do that regardless of what else is going on. In fact you wish you could do it less. You never seem to stop. You have no control.

5. Pessimism is for lightweights. Look at all the true heavyweights in the world. We're not talking boxers or wrestlers here. We're talking giants of business. Of politics. Of social change. What do they all have in common? They BELIEVE that they can accomplish whatever it is that they set out to accomplish. They are optimists. Even in the face of failure, they set out to try again until eventually they succeed.

Fifteen Minute Prompt 

Based on Mrs Death Misses Death - a chapter from the point of view of a wooden desk.

Write something from the perspective of an object.
Suggested materials:
Sand/sea to glass
Wood table/guitar/ wood
Cotton / clothes/material
Stone / volcano
Metal in ore/ felt tectonic plates shifting

Suggested openings
I could have been …
I remember the tree that I once was …
I learned very early on that …
Over the years I have …
All I know is this, …

My Idea:

Fur coat. Sense of animosity towards the person wearing it. Ineffectually planning to harm them in some way. Memory of being a mink in a fur farm.


I suppose I would have been dead by now, had my life not been taken from me by them when it was. The existence I had wasn't a great one, if I'm completely honest, but it was a real life. I had a family. I had many many others of my kind nearby. I could hear them all day and all night as I grew into the creature I was destined to become, then suddenly, blankness. I have a window of time indeterminate during which there was nothing, then air and noise and warmth and the sensation of being touched by many ... somethings. A bit like noses, but longer and thinner and warmer and not wet, and lots of them with different smells. Well I say smells, but not having a nose, or eyes, or ... well any sensory organs, if we're being accurate ... the sensations of sounds and smells landed differently than they did when I was younger.

After a while the different nose-things disappeared mostly, and I was only ever touched by the same few, which I came to realise over the years, were something called fingers, on something called a woman. The woman who was always taking me places, she smelled of mothballs and bitter flowers and mint and old sweat. I hated her then and I still do. How dare she do whatever it is that she's done such that I'm now doomed to stay draped over her shoulders, getting wet in the rain while I keep her warm and dry. When it's not cold and not wet I'm confined to a dusty and stuffy wooden cupboard until it's cold enough for her to need me again. There's more to me than just me, but I cannot detect any sense of the identity of my, presumably similarly unwilling companions. I cannot decide if they, or I, are the lucky one. Maybe they are like me, and they too are lonely. Maybe they can sense me, but I just cannot sense them.

The place I grew up was a dirty place of concrete and steel with "people" around who were apparently charged with my welfare, and that of my fellow creatures. Welfare is a low bar in these places it seems. We had enough to eat, we were kept clean, but we never had space to run. My family were not my parents and my offspring but the chosen family I found within the place. They were like me, with the same fears and the same very limited joys. Sometimes some of us would be taken from our home and we would never see them again. We liked to think they had been taken somewhere better where they had more freedom. More happiness. More light. I now realise that this was not the case for any of them. The ones who constantly tried to escape, who some of us used to look down on for the chaos they caused, were actually the only ones with the right idea. My own fate likely awaited every creature I have ever loved. I am now bonded with an unknown number of the dead, and this one woman who now uses their corpses and my own body as a status symbol. If she needed us such that she might stay alive in the cold perhaps I would not begrudge her that so much, but she spends her whole life in the warmest places and I spend much of my time in those places hung on an uncomfortable rack, pressed up against various types of garment including some made of creatures, some of plants, some shiny, some soft and furry like me. Occasionally I can sense a consciousness there but we have no means by which to communicate so we just wait, peripherally aware of one another's existence, for our jailers to collect us and take us home again.

Here we go now. I am draped loosely over her form like a thick layer of snow on a bulbous mountain. I hear loud noises as something large goes past, belching out a choking smell that I can feel settling on my fur. She even steps back from that. As I always do, I sense the danger of the place where the loud thing moves. I try to push her towards it. I have no power, but I hear her talk sometimes of the power of thought. Of belief. If I can just work out how to use that, perhaps I can bring my own power to bear. Perhaps I can make her take just one more step, into the path of the loud thing, and then she and I will be done with each other forever. It may destroy me as well, but after all this time, I think that would be welcome. I push. I push. She seems to stumble... have I finally done it? No. She's stooping into something warm and fragrant and dark. There's a thud as the door closes then another one, and movement. I shall not have my freedom this day. 

Monday 7 November 2022

Words Down Writing Prompts - 6th November 2023

 All prompts based on the work of Brenda Shaughnessy.

1 Minute Speed Writing Prompts

The baby's father is Sleepy
which makes him Happy.
It was delivered by the Doc
Dopey thinks that Sneezy is the real dad,
and he's not Bashful about saying so,
but I think he's just being Grumpy.

I suppose I could blame God
for making me do the things I do,
failing in the way that I have.
If I were a religious man
It's an easy get out,
But this time, me being me,
I can only blame myself.

What began as a wildfire
Became an adventure
Tables in the forest, tents in a field,
New friends and new challenges,
Games in an arena
Joy in our lives

I wish I had more sisters
Ideally younger than myself.
Someone to protect.
Someone who would look up to me
and I would keep them safe
Until they got older.
Then I'd just worry instead.

15 Minute Prompt

I am dreaming of a house, inspired by "Visitor"

I am dreaming of a house,

Perhaps in a similar situation to this one,

With life and light streaming from its heart.

A river of animal warmth 

flowing through every room

into the garden

around the furniture and the toys

and back, up the stairs

to bed and safety.

Come spend some time.

There is warmth to share,

Food to sustain you.

You are welcome

If you bring with you whatever

light and warmth you are able.

If you have plenty you can complement our supply.

If you have little or none

then we will try to send you on your way

with more than you brought.

Like our detritus,

our hearth's heat spills over through our lives

and our interactions.

Please gather some up

and carry it with you.

Monday 17 October 2022

Words Down Writing Prompts - 17th October 2022


The reference piece was an extract from "All the things I lied about" by Katie Bonna, a one-woman fictional show where Katie Bonna talks directly to the audience about the main character's habits of lying to everyone.

One Minute Prompts: Write lies to elaborate or respond to the following prompts.

Is he like this normally?
No, actually. To be fair he's in pretty good shape today. By this time on a Friday he's usually chair-bound and barely verbal, so inappropriate epithets is actually an improvement.

It's not you, it's me. I...
... found out when I was 12 that I was horribly allergic to lizards and when you said that about wanting a pet I knew you meant a reptile and and I just thought, I can't limit your happiness like that. I was going to suggest that we get a nice tank and get some frogs and some toys for them but I dunno. I even thought we could get them a slide, but it's a slippery slope,

A reason that you're late, involving a tree
It's not my fault. I was bang on time but then my uber driver stopped the car when he heard something hit his roof, and he got out and started kicking off with this group of kids for throwing stones, and by the time I noticed that it was just a conker falling out of the tree we drove under, I was already late.

Isn't it lovely to be here again?
Yes I mean it's always lovely to see Steve and catch up on the people he hates and his latest favourite stereotypes. I've got a little book I collect those in. I'm trying to get the full set.

Fifteen Minute Prompt: Write a Liary (A diary of lies)

For this one I adopted a caricature of an unpleasant self-centred person as my "protagonist" and considered the lies they may tell throughout the day.

Lie 1, 6:25am. Wife asked me if I slept well and I said yes. If I'd said no then she'd have wanted to know WHY and WHAT WAS ON MY MIND and I just couldn't be arsed with all that,

Lie 7, 7:45am. A homeless man just asked me if I could spare 10p. Of course I could, but, LOL, nope.

Lie 12, 8:69am. I just managed to get the last of the filter coffee ahead of Rob by saying I was allergic to the instant coffee. I need it more than him anyway. 

Lie 22, 11:45am. Boss just asked me if I could GUARANTEE that the project will be delivered by the end of next month. There's no way in hell that's going to happen, but it's bonus time at the end of THIS month, and next month when it comes to it I can pin it on Richie or Mike. I'd ideally like to be shot of at least one of those two anyway.

Lie 41, 4:30pm. My daughter being ill and me needing to go to the pharmacy for medicine is a much more acceptable reason for an early finish than needing to catch the vape stall before it closes. After all they're in the same place anyway.

Lie 50, 5:45pm. Just saw Jeff leaving our house. He seemed surprised to see me home so early. It's so good that Karen has such a close friend who can help her with stuff around the house when I'm at work.

Monday 3 October 2022

Words Down Writing Prompts - 3rd October 2022

 One minute prompts

This time I ran the first three of these into one strange piece of flash fiction, whereas the other two were standalone. The prompt phrases, all taken from Audre Lorde's work, are highlighted within the text.

1/2/3: Some words are open. This time he wasn't using any of them and I knew I was out of luck here and that I should take myself, my patter, and my suitcase of stuff elsewhere. He extended his arms in a herding motion, placating at the same time. 

"Look, any other year I'd have been totally up for buying some of these and trying them" he says, and that lie hangs in his mouth as he guides me towards the door, looking distractedly at his phone. "This year I have to consider every expense. Maybe try the other shops?"

Next door was the butcher's shop. It was low end, selling offal, mostly, the spare parts of animals. I inhaled as I stepped inside. "I'm here because I remember the smell of your neck in August, and I've not been past since. You got any?" The last time I passed, they'd been cooking some meat up outside for a summer barbecue but I'd been in a hurry. The butcher sniffed; a disgusting liquid snort. "Nope. All outta turkey."

4. The difference between poetry and rhetoric is that most people claim to know what poetry means and they say they don't encounter rhetoric, when in reality the reverse tends to be true.


Do not remember me as a thorn
My pressures on you were always well intentioned.
My sharpness considered.
My pain caused unwillingly.

Fifteen Minute Prompt after studying Who Said It Was Simple by Audre Lorde

Prompt: "There are so many"

There are so many 
To keep on fighting,
To keep on breathing,
To keep on keeping on
As the musicians tell us.

We are assailed
By all that is bad,
All that is painful,
All that is worrying.
Will that war end?
Will the money last?
Will anyone care?

But we are needed
By those close to us.
Those whom we protect,
Those we care about,
Those we love.

To abandon the fight
Is to give up on them,
To give away our dreams,
To give in to
The things we can't control,
The things we don't understand,
The things we didn't want.
Find your
There are so many.

Tuesday 27 September 2022

Words Down Writing Prompts - 26th September 2022

 A Recipe for a Poem

1. Repeat a word three times
2. Use a simile that pulls something from the sky
3. Ask a question
4. Put an animal in a uniform
5. Repeat a word four times
6. Include your greatest fear
7. Take it somewhere illogical
8. Give it a four word title
9. Delete a line

Leads to:

The Departure of Dairy

Cheese Cheese Cheese
Yellow dairy plastic glowing like the sun in spring.
What is it about your wondrous texture
that so bewitches me?
While the cows stand in the field,
in their military camouflage fatigues,
yet still clearly visible as black and white are rare
in the meadow at least.
What if cheese were to be banned, 
or cows were to go extinct? 
Or just leave?
I ponder the horror of never again tasting Jarlsberg.
Of their jetpacks screaming 
as the bovine master race leave the world they shaped,
destined for the next.
I wish I could go there.

15 Minute Prompt : A poem loosely based on Dear Life by Maya C Popa

A poem in the form of a letter to something or someone, but where it's not immediately made obvious that it is, in fact, a letter.

Community Spirit

A constant battle
not between good and evil
or right and wrong,
but between good people on this side
and good people on the other side
(and a smattering of assholes on both sides).
Ideas are fermented and fomented,
then cemented, presented and resented
by one or other
or sometimes both.
Agreement cannot happen
between these factions.
Positions are too set,
Ideas too deeply rooted
until an old woman, whom none of us have met,
dies, not unexpectedly, in her palace
and all are united in performative grief.
Dear Society,
Why are you so divided on what matters
yet in such unity around that which cannot and does not affect you
while those with the power; the TRUE power
use it all as a distraction
to make us eat the dirt
and pay for the privilege.

Monday 12 September 2022

Words Down Writing Prompts - 12th September 2022

 All prompts taken from Lucille Clifton poems

One Minute Prompts

A woman precedes me

A woman precedes me as I head through the door of the skyscraper. In my mind I feel bad for what might happen to her but I push that aside; if we are to achieve our goals I can't worry about any collateral damage. I pull my focus back, checking mentally that I've done everything I need to; feeling the weight of the tools in my pockets.

If he could have done better

If he could have done better I'm sure he would have done so. He had always done his best for me so even when he fell short, I appreciated the effort. This was my chance to do something in return and make his life easier for an instant or an hour.

There was such music in her

There was such music in her
She danced in the silence
She moved with the shifting of the fog
To the sound of the traffic
The changing of the lights
The passing of the day

She still has the music but
now it is muted.
She can barely hear it
though we still do.
It still radiates from her,
the volume blaring when she smiles.
Occasionally she still smiles.

I am imagining rejuvenated bones

"I am imagining rejuvenated bones" she said, waving her hands over the smoking pot of herbs. I was sceptical of this but it was worth a try. Anything was worth a try. The pain was such these days that if a random drug addict in the street offered a solution, I would try it.

Something in their psyche insists on Elvis

Something in their psyche insists on Elvis. "But that's a stupid name for a fish!" I protest, "Especially when the other ones are called Pickles and Steve!"
"Nope! Gotta be Elvis!" they insist. Sighing, I nod my acquiescence. "Elvis it is!" I say. "Now let's go choose an ornament."

Fifteen Minute Prompt

Based on won't you celebrate with me by Lucille Clifton

Won't you celebrate with me
for here I stand
while others cannot stand at all
in my home
which millions may not claim to match
observing you with my sight and my hearing,
experiencing the world through touch and smell and the taste of good food and fresh water
with no fear of men or of beasts,
my family but a call or a message away,
the sum total of the world's knowledge
in my hand
on a device that I use to watch cute hedgehog videos and argue with strangers.
Here on this bridge between poverty and opulence
I have the choice of comfort;
warmth when it gets cold,
shelter when the storms come.
Won't you celebrate with me
the privilege
of my normality.

Wednesday 7 September 2022

Tangajorsarpoq, Scene 1

 The word occurred to him even as the sensation came upon him. Tangajorsarpoq. A strange, archaic word from a dying language. He’d forgotten almost all of the Greenlandic that he’d learned in his early twenties when he’d been briefly fascinated by the sounds of the words, but that one had for some reason stuck in his brain. That word and just a handful of others of Greenlandic; the entire first soliloquy of Macbeth, and parts of a particular poem by Walter De La Mere, were some of the random remnants of the literary and linguistic learnings that had captured his imagination in the past. Holding his nose and moving it around to try to suppress the tickle it struck him as funny that here he now was, making one of the most important efforts of his life not to sneeze while his subconscious mind mused on a foreign word that meant exactly that. Funny too, how his mind was off in happier times reminiscing about the literary hobbies of his past, while his reality involved hiding beneath a seat in the cinema, trying not to be noticed by the two young men with guns who were currently walking up the opposite aisle, glancing into each row for stragglers.

Jake’s Saturday night had begun much like many others. He had finished work at lunchtime when the yard closed for the week, gone home and got cleaned up, eaten a late lunch, then headed out to the shopping centre to browse the things he couldn’t afford for an hour then, as usual, head into the cinema with his membership card to watch last week’s new movies. He wasn’t a premium member so couldn’t get into the newest ones, but from the sounds of the explosion in the auditorium next door, that may just have saved his life, for now. After the bang and the shaking subsided, many people in this room had fled for the doors back into the lobby but even as they had crashed open, the shooting had begun and the massed bodies had been all pressed together with nowhere to go. Fortunately for him, he had dropped off during the movie and been woken by the blast and the shaking, but had not jumped up and run with the crowds. He had been about to do so, but at the first sound of gunfire he had instead rolled off the recliner onto the floor and squeezed himself beneath it. There were signs everywhere about not going under them due to the danger of being crushed but he’d choose the risk of an accidental crushing over the certainty of deliberately being shot every day of the week. He’d stayed where he was, silent and unmoving, while the screams of terror and sounds of pain had subsided to whimpers and laboured breathing, then his elbow had gone dead and he’d been forced to shift position. As he did so his face brushed the horribly dusty underside of the footrest and that’s when the urge to sneeze had come upon him and threatened to betray his position.

He’d managed to suppress it now for several minutes but it had not gone away and he knew he was limited on time before the sneeze forced itself out. The footsteps came past a little closer and he was glad, not for the first time, that he was wearing his customary black trousers and shoes and that his black coat had fallen from the chair on top of him as he’d rolled to the ground. He could hear the two men talking now. They both sounded calm and relaxed as they laughed about something he couldn’t make out, then came the dull thump of them dropping into seats in the row behind his. This screen had still had quite a few spaces so the ones behind were not reclined and he could see the men’s black lace-up military-style boots on the floor. There was a metallic sound as one of the men put his gun on the attached table, and a flash of yellow light as the other one lit a match. The smell of cigarette smoke drifted from him, pungent and enticing. Jake had given up several months ago but now, having just released his nose, the craving hit him like a hammer. There was a plaintive whimper from somewhere a few yards to his left and the man who wasn’t smoking got up, picked up his guns and headed away. There was a gunshot, the whimpering stopped, and the smoking man laughed again.

“You did well Rod. I know you were nervous but you’ve managed to get past that it seems!” He did a mocking impression of someone whimpering for help and then “Click, Boom! Problem solved.”

The other man didn’t sit down again. Jake could see his boots turning slowly this way and that as if looking around the cinema for more movement. 

“It had to be done didn’t it. If anyone’s seen us and we don’t finish then off then we’re done for and then it’ll all be for nothing. We should get out of here.”

The one who wasn’t called Rod laughed again then sucked on his cigarette. His laugh was greasy and unpleasant, like it contained no humour, and only the joy of inflicting suffering.

“We’ve got a minute for me to finish this. Why are you here anyway? Where did Mikey find you?”

“Is this really the time Baz? Shouldn’t we be scoping the way out?”

The sound of a long drag on the cigarette again. Jake assumed Baz had shaken his head, as Rod continued.

“It was when the bastards sent my dad off to prison for not paying his fines and for robbing those houses. I mean he was desperate, what was he supposed to do? That finished it for me mam. She hit the bottle big time, got liver disease, ended up on a waiting list for an op, but they said it’d be a year and half, and she basically killed herself. Dad got knifed in prison, and that left me on my own, I was just turned sixteen. I tried to get help but there was nothing for me. If I’d been a few weeks younger I’d have been looked after but at sixteen, nothing. I lived on fish me and Denny caught in the canal with stolen tackle. That’s how I got my nickname. When I met Mikey he said we could hit the establishment right where it would hurt them. I don’t like it when it means killing people who aren’t really involved, and I wish Denny hadn’t had to die, but that’s how you get their attention isn’t it. Collateral damage, as they say.” He pronounced the word slowly like it was unfamiliar. “I don’t know what’s next for us but this has got to make them see that we’re serious and that they’re gonna have to talk to us and change stuff.”

Baz threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it as he stood up.

“OK, you know the score now, let’s get tidied up. Give me your gun.” There was a pause and some fumbling noises followed by a metallic click. Baz continued. “It’s funny you mention collateral damage because look over there…”

Jake saw Rod’s feet turn away from Baz then heard a gunshot, very close, and Rod fell to the floor, his face hitting the lino with a sickening wet thud. Baz stepped over him and nudged his shoulder with a foot. “Well Rod, you’re a fucking idiot mate. So is Mikey, come to that. So was your mate Denny, but he’s now liberally spread all over screen one so he’s no longer relevant. I tell you what though you’ve all done my lot a big favour. Pretty easy to convince the idiot police of anything when there’s only one intact body to investigate, innit.” At this he leaned down, yanked Rod roughly to the side and stuffed something inside his jacket before rolling him back on his face. “See ya then!” he said cheerily, and Jake heard his footsteps heading down towards the screen and out through the emergency door. Once the door had closed behind him the sneeze finally came, along with the horror and terror he hadn’t been allowing himself to acknowledge. When the armed police finally burst in they found Jake curled in a ball on the floor, crying and unable to speak.